When as man as dishonest as any who has ever held the office, with an economic record as dismal as that of the last four years, a man who refused to wear a flag pin on his lapel because he disdains the country he aspires to lead, a man who chose as his mentor a preacher who called in no uncertain terms upon God to bring damnation on America, when the people elect and then re-elect such a man to the Presidency you know you are no longer living in the land envisioned by the founders.  You are no longer living in an America as you have always known it.

Tuesday marked the start of the Post-American period for the United States.  Benjamin Franklin feared it; sages from Aristotle to Tocqueville predicted it; Democracy guaranteed it; too few people understand it; Barack Obama neither caused it nor led it.  He simply is presiding over the culmination of it.

It would take a thick book and a half to explain it but I will be foolish enough to try to do it in one paragraph.

Aristotle was the first to say that Democracy would bankrupt a society.  Karl Marx promoted the process with the populist theme “From each according to his ability to each according to his need.”  Today the same philosophy is expressed in the simple phrase Social Justice, which is defined as equal wealth for all.  Government is the vehicle for reaching that goal by taxing wealth away from those who produced it and re-distributing it to those who did not.  In any society achievers will be outnumbered by the masses and Aristotle warned that the masses would eventually deplete the national treasury by voting the wealth of the nation unto themselves and then squandering it.  He called it “the ultimate greed.”

It’s a slow process in a country with a large and prosperous middle class.  Freedoms must be taken away slowly and dependence created gradually.  It has been said that “The American people would never vote for socialism, but under the name of liberalism the American people would adopt every fragment of the socialist program.”  If Socialism is the ultimate greed then Obamacare was the ultimate deception.  It’s primary purpose was dependance, not healthcare.

How will it all end?  That’s the ultimate question.  Democratic countries like Spain, France and Greece have been ravished by overspending.  Unemployment is worse than it is in the United States.  The governments are literally running out of money to pay for benefits the people have come to believe really are entitlements.  The people riot, demonstrate and take to the streets demanding change then vote for a man like Hollande who promises to bring about the desired change by accelerating the very policies that caused the problem in the first place.

I am 81 years of age and will never know how it ends, but my grandchildren will.  That’s why my tagline reads “Driven by love of country and concern for its people, both present and yet to be.”


Obamacare was not unusual in that few if any of our representatives in the House and the Senate read the Bill before signing it. The practice is common.  Nancy Pelosi’s famous statement  may have been more a simple Freudian slip than anything else.

The video is NOT about Obamacare.  Rand Paul explains how voting for Bills whose content is unknown is part of the normal process.


Paul Krugman has good news for Californians and all Americans, particularly your grandchildren and those who are still just a wink in the eye of their parents.  There is no debt problem after all.  Sounds a bit radical but it can’t be.  The president said the very same thing in a meeting with the Speaker of the House.

According to the gospel of Paul, NYT: Jan 17

“The budget deficit isn’t our biggest problem, by a long shot. Furthermore, it’s a problem that is already, to a large degree, solved.” –  and – “(Similar things are happening at the state and local levels — for example, California appears to be back in budget surplus.)”

I say, give the man a handicap sticker for his car.  He is as blind as a bat.

With no apologies for the lack of a segway, here is a thought from a man whose vocabulary was bigger than a dictionary, William F. Buckley.  Buckley said that while the Left says it is open to other points of view, it always shocks them to discover that there are other points of view.






Our neighbor to the North looks over the fence and is aghast at what he sees; a once great nation walking, yea running down the stairs to degradation having chosen the socialist paths of Europe that led Europe to its current economic crisis and chaos.



The Republicans caved when Boehner offered a tax increase for the rich.  Obama said no and offered nothing in return.  The Republicans caved on the debt limit.  Obama said no and offered nothing in return.  An uncompromising stance is a win-win for the president.  Either he gets 100% of what he wants or he gets a crisis, a crisis that the majority will see as Republican caused.  Resolution isn’t the road to more power; a crisis is.

Obama may not know (or care) how an economy works but he does know how to get elected and how to maximize his power.  He is the product of democracy predicted by both Plato and Aristotle.  One who is put in power by the masses due to his ability to charm them, not for his knowledge and ability to govern for their benefit.

The community organizer will certainly take us to the brink and maybe over.  Our best hope is that he sees a last minute compromise as a dramatic way to claim he fought to the bitter end then finally saved the country from the radical right.




Will he or won’t he, no one but he knows; however, president Obama is very capable of letting the economy fall over the fiscal cliff.  After all, it would mainly affect old white men because it’s old white men who own stocks and engage in private enterprise.  The Republicans would be to blame for the economic collapse due to their obstructionist policies designed to return the country back to the horse and buggy days rather than progress Forward into Obama’s New America.

Remember, the modus operandi of a community organizer is to gain power by taking advantage of a crisis.  Then Saul Alinsky taught that, if you can’t find a crisis, make one.  Remember also the answer Obama gave when an interviewer suggested that the consequences of raising capital gains taxes might be a loss of revenue.  The simple answer would be “I don’t believe it would.” but that’s not what the president said.  He said that spreading the wealth around was worth the cost of a little lost revenue.  That reply revealed where his priorities lie.  Add a dash of “Never let a crisis go to waste” and you have a formula for a return to economic recession.

The free market system results in unequal prosperity but that beats socialism which leads to equal misery.  Or as another wise man said “You can’t make the poor rich by making the rich poor.”  It’s too bad the president doesn’t know that.

Post script: However, you can make the poor poorer by making the rich poorer.


Before you can answer the question “What is the European perspective of the United States” you need to ask “Which Europeans?”.  Those who lived behind the infamous Iron Curtain have a very different view from those that were never trodden into de facto poverty under the Marxist Socialist Soviet boot.  They see where we are going because they have been that route.  Thanks to the PowerLine here is a sample of a common view from Eastern Europe.

An editorial from the Czech newspaper Prager Zeitungon:

The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency.  It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president.  The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America.  Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince.  The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool.  It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president.

This sentiment is nowhere to be found in countries like Germany, France or Spain.  If you have been there and suffered it, you know it when you see it.  If you haven’t, you don’t.


Sing along now,

Gimme that old time secession,

Gimme that old time secession, (louder)

Gimme that old time secession,

It was good enuf for the Founders and Silas,

It was good enuf for the Founders and Silas, (everyone now)

And it is good enough for me.

The whole idea seems radical, doesn’t it?  Ron Paul doesn’t think so.  He says the idea of citizens, now some from every state using petitions to appeal to the federal government “is as American as apple pie and George Washington.  The founders believed in it, there’s no prohibition in the Constitution against secession,”

The petitions are not an expression of a genuine wish to secede and break up the union.  No group loves a united America more than these signers.  The petitions are an alternative to a demonstration.  They are expressions of a serious grievance and a reminder to Washington that if Washington takes governance away from the people, the people have a way of taking it back.

The Preamble to the Declaration of Independence reads in part,

“That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

The president and his administration are radical, self-declared in effect by the president’s own words when he pledged to completely transform the nation.  Compare the president’s promise to the petitioner’s goal of returning the nation to adherence to the Constitution and the principles laid down by the Founder’s and then tell me, who are the radicals?